I ran into this casting fault when making a font of 36-point Lanston #675 Bodoni Ultra. I’ve never had this happen before and I haven’t seen this problem mentioned in any of the literature. The type is developing, for lack…
I ran into this casting fault when making a font of 36-point Lanston #675 Bodoni Ultra. I’ve never had this happen before and I haven’t seen this problem mentioned in any of the literature. The type is developing, for lack…
After much thought about my problem with second shot, and with little help from any manuals, I’ve got my caster to behave properly. The second shot problem was caused by an incorrect adjustment in the pump crosshead and linkage area.…
Yesterday, I tried to cast another font of 12-point Caslon Old Style (Lanston 12-337E). The computer and pneumatics worked flawlessly, but the type kept misbehaving in the type channel. The caster seemed to be doing something known as a “second…
I recently cast a font of 12-337E Caslon Old Style from a 15×15 matcase using my Monotype computer interface. Upon rummaging around I also found that I had loose cellular matrices for the quaints in this font. That would be…
Well, it won’t be ready for distribution for several months, but this year’s Wayzgoose Anthology is on its way to the bookbinder. This year our contribution is a bit of a farewell to Rhona Wenger, who just retired from the…
After analyzing the problems from my bad casting day, I’ve managed, with some success, to address all the problems (numbered to match the previous post): I disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled the mould, and checked the carrying frame height on the…
After the really bad casting day a few weeks ago, almost anything would be an improvement. I had taken steps to resolve some of the problems, and here is the result:
Yesterday I made a try at casting a font of 12-point Caslon Old Style using composition mats and the computer interface for the caster.The results were less than stellar. A whole bunch of things went wrong:
I recently found a pair of mis-labeled matrices in my set of 18-point Caslon Old Style, and although I could just leave a note in the storage box, I thought it would be better to just correct the markings on…
My previous casting of 18-point Caslon Old Style had enough defects that I ended up re-casting it. A couple of the problems are described herein. After calculating all the adjustments to cast the ‘st’ ligature from the non-factory-made matrix, I…