Category: Us

New and Improved Spam Comments

This blog has always received a stream of spam comments, generally consisting of easily-recognized banal statements about how the post was really helpful, or well-written, or some such other positive comment, but with no actual reference to the topic of

BOUND Book Arts Fair, December 1st 2024, Downtown Toronto

December 1st, 2024, we will be at the BOUND Book Arts Fair, at the Arts & Letters Club, 14 Elm Street, Toronto. We will have our stock of marbled and handmade paper for sale, as well as an assortment of

Previously-unseen Casting Problem

I ran into this casting fault when making a font of 36-point Lanston #675 Bodoni Ultra. I’ve never had this happen before and I haven’t seen this problem mentioned in any of the literature. The type is developing, for lack

(Un)Plugging Cooling Water Passages

One of the moulds for my Monotype Composition Caster, specifically the type U Lanston display mould fitted for 36 point body size, had completely blocked cooling water passages. This would seriously limit how fast the caster could run, even more

Howard Iron Works Print Expo & Fair, September 28th 2024

Howard Iron Works will be holding their Print Expo & Fair for 2024 on Saturday, September 28th, at their premises at 800 Westgate Road, Oakville, Ontario. In addition to the vendors’ tables, the advance notice promises museum tours, demonstrations and

My Presentation from the 2012 ATF Conference

Someone recently asked about serial number locations on Monotype Composition Casters, and I knew I had a sort of list of where these were located. This information turned out to be in a presentation I gave at the 2012 American

An Old Type Foundry Price List

Well, not so old, really, dating to the end of the era of large commercial type foundries. This is the June 1973 pricing pages for the Moore Type Foundry, 431 King Street West in Toronto. I found their catalogue amongst

More Marbling—At Last!

After a long hiatus, I’ve had a chance to do some marbling. The driving force was actually the necessity to test a new sample of carragheenan. We’re currently out of stock, and as usual, the last source we bought from

CBBAG Ottawa Book Arts Show and Sale, May 25th, 2024

This year the Ottawa chapter of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (CBBAG) will be holding their Book Arts Show and Sale at the recently-opened Carleton University MacOdrum Library Book Arts Lab, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario. The

Grimsby Wayzgoose, April 27th, 2024

The 46th Grimsby Wayzgoose Book Arts Fair will be held on Saturday, April 27th, 2024, at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery and Library, 18 Carnegie Lane, Grimsby, Ontario. The fair will feature over 50 exhibitors of varied book arts, including
