Month: August 2021

Updated Catalogue

We’ve just updated our catalogue. A few typos were fixed, but the main changes are that we are discontinuing our fax number, and there are a few price increases: We have first cut cotton linters pulp in stock again, but

Niagara Falls attractions—hits and misses

We just came home from an overnight trip to Niagara Falls. The Falls and river gorge are breathtaking sights in themselves, but you eventually tire of them and start looking for other activities. This weekend was also particularly hot, and

An interesting type duplicating mould

Yesterday I was at the Mackenzie Printery and Newspaper Museum in Queenston Ontario. The museum is not open to the public right now, but members still meet there to work on organizing and cataloguing the collection, and I was in

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Monotype Computer Control: First Run

I have my 12-point Binny Old Style diecase set up, so last Saturday, I tried my first run with my laptop controlling my Monotype Composition Caster. The text is a little note to include when I ship type across the

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Mystery Diecase Combs Identified!

I previously posted about some Monotype diecase combs which were too long for any diecases that could be used on the Composition Caster. I did not think they were for the newer Monomatic caster because I thought the diecases for

Finding Missing Composition Matrices

I have a Monotype diecase for Lanston 12-point #21EFG Binny Old Style which includes most French accents, but was missing question and exclamations marks in both roman and italic, as well as the small cap Z. I was quite pleased

Mystery Monotype Diecase Combs

When running a Monotype Composition Caster to cast from cellular matrices, the matrices are usually contained in a diecase, which holds a 225, 255, or 272 matrices in a grid arrangement. The caster positions this diecase to select the appropriate

Looking for Papermaking Tutoring near Québec city

One of our customers near Québec city would like someone with papermaking experience to visit them to help them improve their papermaking techniques. Although my contact there speaks English I expect that it would be greatly preferable to have someone

Video: First run of Monotype Compostion Caster Computer Control

I just posted a video on YouTube of the first run of my Monotype Composition Caster under control of my laptop computer. I have been working on the hardware and software for this interface on and off over several years,
