Category: Things we sell

An Old Type Foundry Price List

Well, not so old, really, dating to the end of the era of large commercial type foundries. This is the June 1973 pricing pages for the Moore Type Foundry, 431 King Street West in Toronto. I found their catalogue amongst

More Marbling—At Last!

After a long hiatus, I’ve had a chance to do some marbling. The driving force was actually the necessity to test a new sample of carragheenan. We’re currently out of stock, and as usual, the last source we bought from

Not News: Our mould & deckle sets in a major movie

This isn’t really news because it occurred in 2009, but I’m finally stripping old “news” from our home page and I thought I should keep this in the record somewhere. The (then-)recently-released film The Time Traveler’s Wife, based on a

Monotype 14-point Display Fonts #1 and #2

I recently cast several fonts of type in Monotype  #329 Sans Serif Light. This included 12-point from composition matrices and 14-point from display matrices. As with a few other Monotype faces, this one is available as display matrices in two

Updated Catalogue

We’ve just updated our catalogue. A few typos were fixed, but the main changes are that we are discontinuing our fax number, and there are a few price increases: We have first cut cotton linters pulp in stock again, but

Updated Catalogue, New Prices

I’ve just updated our catalogue to (finally) list some new products (kenaf and hemp/cotton pulp, powder retention agent) and remove some discontinued ones (liquid coagulant). Unfortunately we’ve also raised our prices on several products, notably our moulds and deckles. You

Updated Typeface List

Our list of faces that we can cast has been updated to include the composition matrices we have acquired over the past year or so. Unfortunately, I still don’t have the computer control for the caster running, so I still

A few price increases

We’ve had to restock some of our additives recently, and as our costs go up, we have to raise our prices as well. Here is the updated pricing: Titanium Dioxide 125g 250g 500g 1kg 2kg $8.10 $13.20 $22.28 $36.00 discontinued

Marbling photos online

We’ve finally taken photos of our stock of marbled paper, at least the larger sheet sizes, and posted them in our Products section. Hopefully we can keep this reasonably up to date as we do more marbling and sell them.

Starter Papermaking Kits information now online

I’ve added a post to our Products section giving some details on the starter Papermaking Kits we sell. There are photos of the kit contents, as well as a rundown on other readily-available things you would have to supply beyond
