Category: Letterpress

2020 Wayzgoose Anthology

Well, this year’s Wayzgoose in Grimsby had to be cancelled because, well, you know why… But the Anthology was still produced! We haven’t received our copy yet (I asked the GPAG to hold it for now rather than paying to

2018 ATF Conference Wrap-up

Sunday August 26th was the wrap-up day for the conference. In the afternoon there was a barbecue and open house hosted by Patrick Reagh Printers in Sebastopol, about an hour’s drive north of San Francisco. Unfortunately my flight home departed

2018 ATF Conference—Day Two

The second day of the 2018 ATF conference again took place at M&H Type.

2018 ATF Conference—Day One

The first day proper of the 2018 ATF conference consisted of a series of presentations given in the gallery space at Arion Press. The day started off with a continental breakfast, a Welcome and general comments and announcements, then on

2018 ATF Conference—Day Zero

Why “Day Zero”? The American Typefounding Fellowship conference proper started on Friday, August 24th, but the day before that had technical sessions, where we got to see how M&H Type run their Monotype Composition casters. I attended the afternoon session,

Off to Frisco!

Tomorrow I’ll be flying to San Francisco for the 2018 American Typecasting Fellowship (ATF) conference, hosted this year by M&H Type and the Arion Press. I expect most of the usual gang to be there, with presentations about old systems

A Chase for our Sigwalt Press

We received our Sigwalt Chicago No. 11 press with no chase so it has been sitting collecting dust for a while. I recently cobbled together a chase from a scrap of the ¾″-thick high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sheet we use to

the Papertrail on local TV

CKCO-TV (aka CTV Southwestern Ontario) recently did an item on the Papertrail for their Made Right Here series which features area businesses that have interesting products or services. The 3-minute item was broadcast April 28th 2018, but is also available

Estimating Dry Weight of Composition Material

While trying to remelt some old composition rollers recently, I found that some of the material wouldn’t melt. Neither higher temperatures nor additional water helped. All I ended up with was a lumpy soup, from which I strained the lumps

Casting Composition Brayer Rollers—the Motion Picture

I’ve posted on YouTube a video of near-epic length showing my bumbling through the casting of some small composition rollers for a Kelsey hand brayer. The rollers are about 6×1⅜″ on a ¼″ core. I had originally intended to re-melt

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