Category: Composition ink rollers

Estimating Dry Weight of Composition Material

While trying to remelt some old composition rollers recently, I found that some of the material wouldn’t melt. Neither higher temperatures nor additional water helped. All I ended up with was a lumpy soup, from which I strained the lumps

Casting Composition Brayer Rollers—the Motion Picture

I’ve posted on YouTube a video of near-epic length showing my bumbling through the casting of some small composition rollers for a Kelsey hand brayer. The rollers are about 6×1⅜″ on a ¼″ core. I had originally intended to re-melt

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Glycerin Specific Gravity

Today I used my pycnometer and precision scale to measure the specific gravity of the glycerin which we sell and which I use when I’m trying out recipes for home-made composition rollers. I started taking a video of this procedure

Some observations on home-made composition rollers

In a post about two years ago concerning our then-newly-acquired Kelsey press I mentioned that I had made my own composition rollers for it. Someone had inquired about how I made these, and it has taken me this long to
