Category: Equipment

First try at strip casting

I have my Monotype composition caster converted to produce strip material—leading and rule—and this is my first try at running this setup. You can see the inauspicious results in my accompanying YouTube video. I am using a pump body which

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Trying out the New Nozzle and Strip Mould

I installed the nozzle I just made into the special strip-casting pump. This pump is a Lanston (American Monotype) pump and my caster is an English-made one, and one of the incompatibilities between these is the pump body size. Although

Home-made Monotype Nozzle

I’ve been working to get my Monotype composition caster converted to casting strip material. I have a few moulds for this, the special pump required (with a different nozzle location), the pump linkage required to run this Lanston (American) pump

A Home-made Monotype Display Mould Coupling Hook

The Monotype caster type carrier not only catches the type as it ejects from the mould and carries it to the type channel for final delivery, but it also moves the mould crossblock between its casting position and its jet-eject

Mystery Matcase Solved!

Thanks to Mark K. Digre on the Letterpress mailing list, I think the mystery of the strangely-sized cellular matrices has been solved! The mechanism for using this matcase is described in US patent number 1079321. Essentially, the caster is fitted

More Matcase Storage

Over the past year or so I’ve purchased more composition matrices and so far they’ve been sitting on the floor, in the way, in the boxes they were shipped in. Last week I made four more cases to hold them,

Mystery Monotype Matcase

I have a matcase for Monotype composition casting that is a bit of a mystery to me. Some of it is easy to figure out: This case contains 14-point 175A Bodoni and 14-point 79J Caslon Bold (with french accents). I

What was lost is now found!

Ever since the ATF conference in Salem MA in August 2014, I’ve been looking for the 49A matrix holder which I had brought to the conference to show around. This is a holder for using Lanston display matrices with the

US Display Mat Holder Insert Handle replacement

The Monotype composition caster uses various holders to position the matrix (which has the shape of the letter to cast cut into it) properly over the cavity of the mould. These are installed in the caster instead of a diecase

2020 Wayzgoose Anthology

Well, this year’s Wayzgoose in Grimsby had to be cancelled because, well, you know why… But the Anthology was still produced! We haven’t received our copy yet (I asked the GPAG to hold it for now rather than paying to
