Year: 2022

Dundee Artisan Festival

We’ll be participating in the first annual Dundee Artisan Festival, next Saturday, May 7th, 2014, from 10am to 6pm. Most of the festival will take place in New Dundee Park, just a couple minutes’ walk from our shop, but in

Towards a better casting day

After analyzing the problems from my bad casting day, I’ve managed, with some success, to address all the problems (numbered to match the previous post): I disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled the mould, and checked the carrying frame height on the

Solving caster communications the expensive way

During my Bad Casting Day, I was having problems with the communications between my caster computer interface and the 14-year-old Windows laptop I was using to drive it. They connect using a USB cable, and I thought electrical noise might

More updated caster pneumatics

One of the conclusions of my Bad Casting Day was that I needed better regulation of the pressure of the compressed air which controls the caster operation. The caster has about 30 pins about 3/8″ (1cm) in diameter which must

Rebuilding composition mould 12-pt 3E3618R

After my Bad Casting Day, one thing on the to-do list was to tear down the mould because the type being cast had a lot of flash at some of the edges.

A slightly better casting day

After the really bad casting day a few weeks ago, almost anything would be an improvement. I had taken steps to resolve some of the problems, and here is the result:

Wayzgoose is Back!

After a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Grimsby Wayzgoose Book Arts Fair will be returning this year, on Saturday April 30, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery, 18 Carnegie Lane, Grimsby,

A Bad Casting Day

Yesterday I made a try at casting a font of 12-point Caslon Old Style using composition mats and the computer interface for the caster.The results were less than stellar. A whole bunch of things went wrong:

Thoughts on Making Lanston Matrix Blanks

There are times where it would be nice to be able to make my own Lanston-style display matrices to use on my Monotype Composition caster. Often I find that matrices made by other casting aficionados were made by cannibalizing a

Relabeling Those Pesky Caslon Matrices

I recently found a pair of mis-labeled matrices in my set of 18-point Caslon Old Style, and although I could just leave a note in the storage box, I thought it would be better to just correct the markings on
