Category: Other people

Wedding Invitations

One of the jobs we occasionally do is special announcements, including wedding invitations. This spring, we did a collaborative job with a local couple who were getting married. The bride made the paper in our shop and we did the

Making Washi in 2010

Back in June 2010, we all headed out to Prince Edward Island for the first East Coast Gathering of members of the Yahoo Papermaking group. Our gracious hostess was Linda McCausland who runs Heron Cove rental vacation house, where the

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Victoria Day celebrations in New Dundee

Victoria Day (which this year is celebrated on Monday May 20th) is a big thing in New Dundee. There is a community garage sale, a pancake breakfast at the fire hall, a parade, activities all day at the Park and

Lily making paper

It took me a little while to find this sequence of photos, but here is Lily making paper in October 2012 (she was 5 years old at the time) and jabbering away as she does it. In the third frame

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At the CBBAG Ottawa Book Arts Fair

Well, here we are at the Book Arts Fair organized by the Ottawa Valley chapter of CBBAG. If you read this early enough we’re open until 4pm today at the National Archives building at 395 Wellington Street in uptown Ottawa.

Springs have sprung

Last year at the American Typecasting Fellowshsip Conference Jason Dewinetz mentioned that he had a Ludlow Supersurfacer with a broken clamp spring. The Supersurfacer is used to smooth off the surface of slugs cast on a Ludlow, which is essentially

Monotype Pump Enhancements

My Monotype Composition Caster is a British-made one, with a serial number indicating fairly late manufacture (1960’s) so it should in theory be fitted will all the latest bells and whistles. But for some reason it is missing the pump
