The Grimsby Public Library and Art Gallery will be holding their 38th annual Wayzgoose on April 30th, from 9am to 5pm. This gathering of book artists will take place at the Gallery and Library, including the adjacent Carnegie Commons building (the original library), in Grimsby Ontario.
As for the past 18 or so years, the Papertrail will have a table there, selling handmade and marbled paper, bookbinding, papermaking, and marbling supplies, along with new and used books relating to the various book arts.
We will also accept orders in advance for pickup at the fair; please place your orders by Wednesday, April 27th to ensure we can have everything ready. If you want to purchase new type for letterpress, please note that we will charge $5/font for Wayzgoose pickup (there are no shipping charges on other products) and that orders for type will be filled based on available time. We will process orders for type in the order received, so you should order as soon as possible, and no later than April 22nd.
More information including directions to this event are available at their web page.
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