Category: Personal

Monotype Pneumatics: Tubing repair

A previous owner of my Monotype composition caster had done a bit of a butcher job repairing a broken tube under the table. There were two soldered joints (using fittings not designed for solder joints) and two tees with capped

Mill Column Base Conversion

Someone commented on the conversion I did on my Sherline 2000 mill to allow it to use either the 8-way column base it came with or the rigid rectangular base that comes with the 5000-series mills, so I though I

My CNC mill

This Sherline 2000 mill is one of the main tools I use for making repair parts for printing machinery. Since I bought it I have retrofitted it with Sherline’s CNC conversion kit, using a home-made stepper driver (the gray box

Fiat Lux

I finally got new lighting installed in my basement workshop. The old lighting was essentially two single fixtures with 60- or 100-watt-equivalent CFL bulbs in them. The new lighting is 8 dual 48″ T8 fluorescent fixtures. To be fair, that

Early gardening

My rhubarb is once again growing amazingly large. This plant has a long history. I first met it in the back yard of the house I grew up in. When it was there it benefited from annual feeding in the

Victoria Day celebrations in New Dundee

Victoria Day (which this year is celebrated on Monday May 20th) is a big thing in New Dundee. There is a community garage sale, a pancake breakfast at the fire hall, a parade, activities all day at the Park and
