Category: Humour

New and Improved Spam Comments

This blog has always received a stream of spam comments, generally consisting of easily-recognized banal statements about how the post was really helpful, or well-written, or some such other positive comment, but with no actual reference to the topic of

Some Comedy Translation

If you’ve been reading this blog much at all, you may have noticed a link in the sidebar “En Français S.V.P. !”. This invokes Google Translate on the current page, and from there as you follow links, you get translations

Making Really Red Paper

I just found these photos from a papermaking session from the summer of 2019 and thought I might post them. We had recently emptied a mini-keg of red 112 aqueous pigment, and we were left with a dirty keg. We

Warning! Bad (but possibly original) Pun!

Dr. Fleming is walking down the street one day and bumps into an old friend of his. “My dear Alex!” exclaims his friend, “How are things going?” “Well, you know,” Fleming replies, “Same mold, same mold!”  

Hilarious auto-captioning of one of my YouTube videos

I recently posted a video on YouTube showing the basic operation of the TAPPI hand sheet former we have for sale. Just this evening I noticed that YouTube tries to do speech recognition to generate closed captioning for the videos.
