This Saturday I’ll be attending a one-day workshop on beekeeping. Audrey saw a notice posted at KwartzLab about upcoming workshops, and, since I clearly don’t have enough hobbies to keep me busy, I thought I would give it a go. Whether I actually take up beekeeping depends on how much day-to-day attention a hive requires. The person hosting this has a website at
This week I’ve been busy trying to get things started in the vegetable garden, and I hope someday that the plants I want outnumber the weeds, but that will be a while yet. I have a tray of plants—tomatoes, eggplant, basil, cucumbers, and melons—ready to put in the ground, and I hope to get that done this weekend. So far we’ve had a couple of meals’ worth of asparagus but such a small harvest is to be expected from 16 plants only 3 or 4 years old. On the other hand, our rhubarb is going nuts as usual. Maybe I’ll make a pie this weekend!
I’m also still working on absorbing my recently acquired Monotype matrices into my storage area, including building cases to contain the composition mats. As for the display mats, I have merged the faces for which I already had some sizes in boxes, and the remainder have been stored on galleys in my galley cabinet. Unfortunately they are taller than the cabinet spacing so there is now a stack of extra galleys that needs a home…
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