Year: 2019

Wayzgoose 2019 has come and gone (oops!)

We’ve been lax in posting to our blog lately, to the point of forgetting to announce the 2019 Wayzgoose in Grimsby, Ontario! This event took place at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery and Library last Saturday, April 27th. Despite the

Introductory Papermaking Workshop, May 25th 2019

We’ve tentatively scheduled another of our Introductory Papermaking workshops for Saturday, May 25th, 2019, running from 9am to 4pm (with a 1-hour lunch break) at our store in New Dundee. At the workshop, you’ll learn about the basics of making

Server Migration Complete (?)

I think I have everything migrated to our new web and mail servers now. Please e-mail us (!) at if you encounter any problems.

E-mail server migration

As I mentioned in the previous post, we are changing the servers we use for e-mail and our web site and blog. We have changed over the e-mail server now, and our regular addresses and should continue to

Server migration and resultant outages

We’re in the process of moving our web site and e-mail to a new hosting service in the cloud. They are currently hosted at my day job and I’m used to managing them with command-line tools and direct editing of
