We’re still under various restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they are slowly easing up a bit. Unfortunately, our local region has been identified as a hot spot for the disease so we are staying under stricter restrictions that the rest of Ontario for at least an extra couple of weeks.
We don’t feel it is practical to hold a workshop with everyone wearing masks, so we would like to wait until we are allowed to have small unmasked indoor gatherings of strangers, and that might be a while yet.
We could perhaps hold an outdoor workshop, but that is dependent on the weather, making these hard to plan. A sudden downpour and everyone has to scatter for cover, so everyone has to mask up to enter the building… Though it might be interesting to see the result of a mould left out in the rain with the wet paper still on it! Maybe we have enough awnings and tents to keep everyone dry during light rain; I’ll have to see what we have.
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