Category: Audrey

A Wedding Guestbook

This was a project we did about 12 years ago: a guestbook for a wedding. The overall size was about 10″ wide by 8½” high. The book was finished with a title plate pasted onto the cover (not shown), done

Watermarks 2012 conference keepsake

For the Watermarks 2012 Conference held in Cleveland in October 2012, we made a keepsake to be included in the bundle given out to all contributors. This conference was held jointly by Friends of Dard Hunter (FDH) and the International

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Our contribution to the Wayzgoose Anthology

Now that the Anthology is out I can show you our contribution without spoiling the surprise. Overall it turned out nice, although I have 3 or 4 private critiques of my work. There were 135 copies of the Anthology produced,
