Heart & Hand Festival

We spent today demonstrating paper marbling at the Heart & Hand Festival at Joseph Schneider Haus, and the item featuring us (and our resident cricket) on the festival’s blog just went up yesterday.

We were fortunate to have an indoor location for this because it rained all day and the outdoor exhibitors had to put up with some leaky canopies and cool breezes, although the blacksmith didn’t seem to mind much. Other than getting us a bit wet when loading in, the only effect the rain had on us was that power outages the night before forced me to mix up my marbling size the morning of the event. Because the size is mixed hot, it was still warm when I started marbling, causing some problems with the paint flow for the first three or four sheets of marbling. Once the size had cooled fully, everything went smoothly.

Despite the poor weather and some competing events we felt we had a good turnout. I have about 20 more pieces of marbling (using a palette of greens and blue) to add to our stock, and we passed out plenty of flyers for our upcoming Rural Routes Studio Tour. We left the marbling on site to dry and will be picking it up tomorrow.

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